sdesc: "QGIS nightly build of the development branch (metapackage with build dependencies)" ldesc: "QGIS nightly build of the development branch (metapackage with build dependencies)" maintainer: JuergenFischer category: Libs requires: expat fcgi gdal-dev grass gsl-devel iconv libzip-devel libspatialindex pyqt5 python3-devel python3-qscintilla python3-nose2 python3-future python3-pyyaml python3-mock python3-six qca-qt5-devel qca-qt5-libs qscintilla-qt5 qt5-devel qt5-libs-debug qtwebkit-qt5-devel qtwebkit-qt5-libs-debug qwt-devel-qt5 sip-qt5 spatialite oci libzip qtkeychain-qt5-devel zlib-devel opencl-devel exiv2-devel protobuf-devel